We celebrated another wonderful Cyclofemme yesterday! It was a bit more challenging as not only was it on Mother's Day but it was also the start of the AMGEN tour. I used to worry that no one would show up to the rides but I finally let that fear go and just figure that we're riding bikes and we have snacks so it'll be fun no matter what.
I was especially happy that my friend decided to bring her girls on the ride so I knew it'd be great!
Another 15 riders showed up! It was a casual ride along the American River Parkway to Discovery Park. The wind was killer! My friend's older daughter led the pack almost the entire way, despite the strong headwind. I had her yougner daughter in the Bullitt with the drinks and cookies. Jose and the boys stayed at home for some quiet time.
Somehow our timing was perfect and we ended up catching the very beginning of the AMGEN peloton. I hadn't even realized that they were starting there! We hung out, chatted and ate cookies until we rolled ourselves back toward home.
Our peloton leader was pretty worn out on the way back. She wanted a ride in the Bullitt but it was a really tight squeeze and she decided to continue. It ended up being a 17 mile ride, longer than she had ever done. I was so impressed! I don't think we broke her biking spirit but I'm sure she needed a rest after the long ride.
I got home and immediately traded the Bullitt for the Linus, a nice light bike. A quick ride over to my aunt's house for Mother's Day lunch and visit with family. Lunch was incredible and I ate more than enough to make up for the windy ride.
I'm already looking forward to next year's Cyclofemme! It just keeps getting better each year, new people show up and we figure out different rides to do. Hopefully, we'll be able to turn this into a bit more of an official ride and are able to keep growing!