My panniers were packed with food and a change of clothes, I had my tools, my lights, and a lock. I loaded up my Oscar and we rode off.
It was a beautiful, relaxing ride for the most part. The trails were busy with lots of families out riding and walking. The weather was gorgeous with big ominous clouds hanging overhead.
My ride home today was slightly calmer through Roseville with lighter Sunday morning traffic. I enjoyed ending the ride on the Dry Creek and Sacramento Northern bike trails instead of the suburban sections. I did run into some traffic jams on the trails, however.
I'm really happy to have learned how to reach another section of the region by bike. It's not an easy trip to make but it's doable with enough time (it took me about 2.5hrs to go 29 miles). Now I feel better about having replaced a car trip that I would have made and will happily eat everything in my house tonight. This was actually my third day in a row of riding about 30 miles and my body is feeling it today!