It was 4 miles round trip. Little Brother strode along on his Strider, taking a couple breaks to hitch a ride on Jose's skateboard and once in the Bullitt until he asked to get back on his bike. Big Brother, on the other hand, rode the entire way. Most of the time, he was on the sidewalk but occasionally in the street next to me. He's getting more and more steady on the bike and it's just about time to raise the seat even higher. It's still really nerve-wracking having him in the street since he's not clear on his left and rights and it's difficult to communicate directions. Luckily, we've been riding on calm, wide streets. The sidewalk isn't really any safer since every driveway has to be treated as an intersection and drivers aren't always paying attention to people on the sidewalk, even little kiddos. It's a sad world we live in when kids aren't safe riding their bikes in their own neighborhood.
The benefits for the boys riding are well worth my heightened heart rate.