The boys dealt with yesterday pretty well. Little Brother took a nap, which he doesn't often do. Big Brother didn't, though, and I was pretty exhausted. We had a quiet day anyway. Come nighttime, the boys were so excited to head back outside! They've never been so willing to go asleep, ever!
I never was able to patch the holey thermarest but I brought it outside anyway because it would still work as an insulating barrier for Little Brother who is small enough to not need the padding. Having three pads for three people was one of the necessities we learned about the first night.
Another important thing we learned was to ensure everyone's personal warmth. Last night, we took a little extra time getting our jammies on. Big Brother wore his new woollies and a set of thermal leggings on top.
Little Brother had his regular pjs and we layered them with his fleece bodysuit. It's getting a bit small so it probably won't last all the way to summer.
After the initial craziness, we all settled into our respective sleeping bags and fell asleep quickly. Little Brother stayed dry and in his own bag most of the night. I learned that the newer Cats Meow bags are more narrow and don't allow for two occupants, even such a little one as my munchkin. Big Brother woke just once to potty and was able to do so on his own. We all awoke in the morning feeling more rested than the night before. Again, the boys are asking to sleep out tonight.
Some of the things I'm happy that the boys are leaning now:
- It's okay to be a little cold, but not too cold
- How to stay warm in a sleeping bag (surprisingly not intuitive)
- How to pee outside in the dark (also surprisingly not intuitive)
- We don't always need to be "comfortable" to be happy
- We don't need "things" to have fun
- They have a mama who is a little nuts