Normal people would have figure this out earlier.
Friday and Saturday were pretty calm. It was great getting back to my precious Mundo and its lovely saddle. We rode to Doughbots, the Farmer's market, my mom's house, the usual.
It wasn't 20 miles. It was a full 40km--25 miles. That extra 5 pushed me over the edge but we kept moving to get to the free Dos Coyotes at the end--and because I'm pretty darn stubborn.
Then, we still had 11 miles to ride home. Little Brother was out of diapers and rode home without (we got lucky, actually, and didn't have any messes). He also refused to sit in front so he took the Peanut Shell, forcing Big Brother to sit on the deck. He hadn't had a nap and was fairly delirious at that point. Somehow, we got home wih minimal screaming (even from me). The little one pushed and kicked the big one from behind, the big one wiggled, wobbled, and rubbed his face into my back (which is very loving but gets a little creepy after a half hour or so). I almost moved Big Brother to the Mini Yepp, he is only about 2 pounds over the limit, but I restrained myself--and I didn't want to stop the bike any more than I had to.
Forty-eight miles later, we were back home. That was the longest I had ever taken the boys on my own. Usually, there's someone else to help distract them. At least we had been fed really well. Snacks are always our saving grace. I allowed more jelly beans than I would have normally but this was desperate measures.
We survived. We got over our misery pretty quickly--the boys played in the sprinkler and I ate ice cream. I learned my lesson--listen to that little voice that says "you don't have to prove anything."
Although, that little voice is also whispering "hey, look what you did! What will we do next?..."
I just made that little voice quiet by eating a bar of chocolate. Shhhh...