It was important to me that we stick to our carfree commitment. After seeing all the awesome photos of trees-by-bike by our cargo friends on Twitter and Facebook, I was inspired and determined! The closest place to us was about 15 miles away but up hwy 30, a road that leads to a casino and offers no shoulder. Drunk, depressed gamblers and no way to get away from them didn't sound very appealing. The next place was one just passed Davis called Jacob's Mini Farm. We're pretty familiar with riding to Davis and my dad's an expert with getting through Davis so that was the clear choice. Fifty plus miles sounded a little daunting, especially once we got the tree, but I'm a very stubborn person.
Today, the weather was beautiful and perfect for our ride. Jose and I were a bit slower with our start than we had planned. There was a lot of running around and reorganizing. Did we need thermals, snow pants, extra anything? Did we have snacks, water? Everyone have a potty break? Our friends, the Oldens, were somehow crazy enough to agree to come with us so double the amount of chaos that we usually have with just our two kiddos.