During the street rides, we would stop every block or so and talk about the maneuvers ahead. We managed to get a lot of real-world riding experience in that short amount of time. It was exciting to be helping guide these students while they rode. I can imagine how fun this would be for them, the very first steps to freedom!
However, these are the steps we need to be taking! These students are getting onto bikes and now understand the rules of the road and how important it is to ride properly and predictably. Many adults can't manage these skills! There were a couple of parent volunteers who showed up for the street riding portions. One of the kindergarten teachers came by to tell us how much our program meant to the students. There is so much more that needs to be taught but this is at least the beginning of little seeds being implanted in their minds. One girl decided that she "didn't want to get a car right away." She was "going to get a bike first and then see what happened later on."
Although, I will admit that I'm happy for a break from commuting to Natomas three days a week! I don't know how Tim can manage that distance each day, BionX or not!