We would have had about 45 miles more to go. As bummed as I am that we didn't get to "complete" our trip, I learned so much. This trip was our very first. It was amazing! Big Brother stayed happy and engaged the entire time. We saw wonderful animals, met new friends, and found out that this kind of trip is totally possible. I can't wait for our next adventure!!!
* I learned that 75 miles is too many, 40-60 is perfect.
* Leaving "on-time" will NEVER happen.
* We packed way too many clothes and too many toys.
* ALWAYS carry an up-to-date paper map and plan our route beforehand.
* I need a better handlebar bag and I'm not sure how well the Baguettes will last in the long run with BB's feet smooshing them all day long. .
* The spandex may have done more damage than not.
* Warmshowers hosts are way better than motels.
* As long as the little guy was fed and entertained, we could keep riding forever.
* A little fussing is fine, it happens when we're off the bike, too.
* Rest days are necessary. Playgrounds are a must. Ice cream will solve ANYTHING.
* The Mundo fits beautifully on a Prius, when necessary.
* Big Brother is amazing!