The boys are loving the bike too. Big Brother has already figured out how to climb up the bike to get into his seat on his own. The Stand Alone is strong enough to hold the bike steady while his 35 lbs shimmies up the rack and into his Peanut Shell. The only issue is that he needs a better foot-hold so he’s not stepping onto the chain. This is exactly why Yuba makes the Foot Pegs, which I think will be one of our next purchases in the near future. It has also been quite easy to put Little Brother in the front seat while Big Brother is getting into the back seat and, once both are buckled in, the Mundo is still holding strong for me to finish up grabbing the locks, rolling up my pants leg, and strapping on my helmet. I can do all this without precariously balancing the boys and the bike and the load.
Once we get going (finally), I’ve really noticed the difference between this setup and the trailer rig. They are both slow to get going but the Mundo is considerably faster, averaging about 13 miles an hour in stop-and-go traffic. The trailer was lucky to get 10-11 mph. The weight is dispersed differently. I could always feel the trailer’s weight putting a strain on my back--nothing from the Yuba. Balancing is a bit harder on the Mundo but that’s mostly the handling from the extra bodies we’re carrying. I can feel Big Brother as he turns to look around and Little Brother likes to wave at nobody in particular. Even in just the few days I’ve ridden the Mundo, I’ve found my self loosening my grip and making tighter turns and faster maneuvers. I can get into smaller spaces and squeeze through gates without getting stuck as often. Except for starting from a dead stop, I feel pretty zippy.
The only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s working out is the iBert. He and I don’t get along very well. It was tolerable once I pushed my saddle back and pushed the ‘Bert as far forward as possible but it still didn’t leave much breathing space while straddling the top tube. Also, once Little Brother starts to fall asleep, his little head bobs around and eventually tries to rest against my arm. It’s not very comfortable for either of us. Our next plan is to give the Yepp Mini a shot and see how that works out. It seems to have a higher back and a sleeping bar. I’ll let you all know how it goes next week.
Overall, I am thrilled with our new setup. I am really looking forward to testing out some longer rides and see how it handles then.