I didn't end up riding to Davis yesterday. After riding 20+ miles doing errands, I was a little worried about the 20 more miles to Davis combined with the 22 mph wind gusts. Just as I started to look at Amtrak ticket, my aunt called to see if she could give me a ride to my grandma's and join us for dinner. Perfect timing! I don't let obvious solutions like that slip by me! I'll still get to have my ride home tomorrow--a wonderful opportunity to decompress and absorb all the knowledge that is rambling around my brain. Have you seen the study going around about kids who walk and bike to school having better concentration than those being driven? Seems this thing called exercise is not just great for your body but also your brain! Who'da thunk it?
I am so excited about the opportunities this training is opening up for me and the potential to spread the biking-love in a safe and conscientious way. Cycling isn't just safer by adding more riders to the roads, it takes adding more riders who understand that we have both the same legal rights to the roads as well as the same legal responsibilities that come with those rights as car-drivers. .
I apologize for the long post with too many words and no photos, since that's all anyone wants to see anyway. Here is a photo of my adorable children to tide you over (and because I miss them).