The boys and I rode the Mundo over to my folks, dropped Little Brother off and drove to the dentist. I watched that bike lane the whole trip and vowed never to drive there again. It's fine except for a little sidewalk (actually signed as the "bike route") riding. I don't think I'd try taking the trailer with the kids since the lane is narrow and speed limit is 50 mph. Therefore, BionX without kids, Mundo with.
Waiting for the dentist, the receptionist casually said "I hope no one has to go on highway 80, they just shut it down on both sides. Massive accident." No. More. Driving... cars are so dangerous!
By the way, my kid is the most awesome dental patient in the world! No wiggles, no screams, no whining, ended with a smile and a thank you. I love that boy! Three cavities, no pain killer. More brushing, I promise.
The way there was surprisingly easy. I planned for about 45 minutes going about 15-17 mph on level three. I tend to get lost easily so that would give me extra time and not feel rushed or get too sweaty. I had scheduled the visit so that it would at least be light for the way there since I hadn't ridden there before.
A short while later, I exited the trail at Watt Ave. Up Watt for a bit, the last two blocks riding on the sidewalk as instructed by my common sense and the sign that said "bikes use sidewalk." Another mile in residential neighborhoods and I was there.
I love riding in the dark more than any other time. There is something so empowering about cruising along, little light shining your way, silence, peaceful, beautiful. The bike trail was amazing. There was the occasional Bike Blinder with their highbeams on and a few Bike Ninjas without any lights, wearing black. Other than them, I was perfectly alone. Of course my brain had to interrupt my calm thoughts with zombie meth-addict scenarios. Luckily, my BionX power was a nice comfort. I can outrun anyone, especially chainsaw wielding roadies! No worries for me!
I love being able to break through my mental barriers of riding alone, in the dark, longer distances, for work... I can do it all, by bike, even! I love this feeling! Thank you BionX night-ride!
Tomorrow is the Appetite Enhancement Ride, 25th annual! Fill up on Two River's hard cider and let the thankfulness begin! On Saturday, join us for an "unofficial" Kidical Mass ride. Meet at Old Soul on Broadway at 9:30am to ride over to Southside Park, stopping at Doughbot on the way.
Also, although I am totally against Black Friday, you should still come down to Practical Cycle and spend your money. Support your local bike shop, rent a bike and burn off some of those gravy calories, and find a new bike that you totally love and will use. You don't even have to spend the night in front of the store or get trampled on the way in. Score!