Challenge one: Which bike to use as the delivery bike. The cargo bikes would have been the obvious answer but I didn't want to ride either of them to leave at my parents' house for the dentist. I chose the Mobic instead. I'm not sure if this was genius or insanity but here's what it looked like.
Challenge two: when to ride on the street and when to ride on the road. For the most part, Big Brother is okay at riding in the road next to me. However, as we got to narrower roads with more traffic, I decided he should be on the sidewalk. He loved riding on the sidewalk because he could go faster without me yelling at him to stay away from the parked cars. He was zooming along having a blast while I was in the road having mini heart attacks.
Challenge three: the ignorant and dangerous SUV driver. Big Brother and I made it to our first big road crossing. Since he still has trouble with quick starts, I had us both on the sidewalk WALKING our bikes across the intersection. I knew it would take us the full amount of time so we waited for a "fresh" green. Our green guy popped up and we started to cross. A woman across from us turning left (it was a green light for her but not an arrow, meaning she had to yield to us and oncoming traffic, of course). She kept turning so I started yelling. She finally stopped (blocking oncoming traffic), rolled down her window and started yelling at me how I'm not supposed to be in a crosswalk with a CHILD and it was her turn to go. It wasn't. I kept yelling that she had to yield and it was our green, too. As soon as there was space, she gunned away behind us as I kept screaming at her. I'm pretty sure my exact words were: "You have to yield, Stupid!" It wasn't one of my finest moments and resulted in a follow-up conversation with Big Brother about why mama got so mad when that woman acted dangerously.
Finally some bliss:
Finally, we made the 3.5 mile journey across town to my parents' house. Big Brother was thrilled and it was wonderful to end the ride with some great shout-outs from people nearby. "Doin' it right, mom!" "Wow! What a big bike and no training wheels!" "Gee, you're really riding that thing!" Big Brother was so proud of himself. "She liked my bike," he would exclaim. At least we saw that the majority of people around were excited to see a kid on a bike riding happily. That one, single, horribly ignorant SUV woman will live in her giant car and drive everywhere, denying her children the joys of biking (and walking in crosswalks, for some reason). What a sad life she must have.