I was a bit bummed that it was another missed biking day but the lovely @kyouell reminded me that at this point we really should be focusing on the days we're not in a car, not the days we're not on a bike. That's true. Since we've gone car-free, we've used/been in a car about once a week. That's more than I would have imagined so at this point, I really want to focus on why we are driving and what we can do to minimize those trips. Biking is our constant now, that's the easy part. Whittling away these car trips is my next challenge. It doesn't help that we have access to a car simply and basically free (thanks, mom...and dad!). So now, instead of obsessively tracking our bike trips, I'm obsessively tracking our driving. Once we figure out what our driving "needs" actually are, we'll be able to focus them down to the very bare minimum.
Now, I'm going to do a cheater post and just tell the last few days through photo--starting with the 25th annual Appetite Enhancement Ride, Thanksgiving, and our quick recovery.