Another fun Project Ride Smart program happening through the NNTMA, a transportation management agency funded through property taxes from homes in North Natomas.
We have four fifth grade classes learning how to "drive" their bicycles. Amazingly, the students are still focused and excited about us being there, considering next week is their last week of school. It's so much fun being able to reach out to kids to instill a love of biking and the tools they need to stay safe.
I got this great bottle cage for my Hydroflask growler as a birthday present. The weighty of the full growler doesn't register on my HaulaDay but the Two Fish cage is mounted with Velcro so it can be attached anywhere and easily on any bike.
The additional water had been helpful as the temperature is raising and the long days on the blacktop have been taking a toll. I've been able to ride in the 13 miles almost each day. This morning, I saw five jackrabbits and I've been able to watch the goslings grow over the past two weeks. The only bummer is that there's a headwind for the way home and the timing cuts close to my deadline to pick the kiddos back up.
This weekend, I'm going to attempt to ride a century, 100 miles in one day. The closest I've gotten before was 95 miles and that was a few years ago. Slow and steady is my plan. That, and lots and lots of food! Can't wait!