Jen and I took our respective Mundos and children and rode out to KOA this afternoon. It's such a close trip and fairly easy despite some urban riding through West Sac. It was a great excuse to get out of the house and shake up the post-holiday slump.
This was our first overnight in awhile and because the weather has cooled considerably since the last overnight, we thought it would be easiest to book a luxurious kamping kabin--they even have heaters! The afternoon was warm enough but the evenings can get chilly which is why we've hesitated so long to go camping.
KOA trips are the perfect way to get out without worrying about getting too cold or hungry. To top of our lazy camping trip, we also ordered a pizza for dinner and hung out in the game room.
The boys have had a blast! The ancient playground served to wear them out enough to confine them in a small cabin. Surprisingly, it wasn't even too hard to get them all to sleep at a reasonable time.
So now Jen and I have some peaceful time to chat and she's talented enough to be whipping out an awesome knitted kitchen towel. It has been the perfect way to get back into our bike overnight groove!