Tonight's movie was Best In Show. Jose hates mock-umentaries (yes, even This is Spinal Tap. It's a good thing he has so many other redeeming charicteristics), he was more than happy to stay with the kids. The shows are 21+ so that's makes it a bit harder for us and most of our friends. My dad and I had some amazing food from the amazing food truck and yummy sangria from the bar. People were milling about and setting up their chairs on the now-closed-off parking lot.
The hotel is beautiful! It is currently a residence for a few local artists. The building is just what you'd expect, artsy, eclectic, and gorgeous. We didn't have much time to wander around after our food, it was beginning to get dark and we wanted to head back.
It is essential that Sacramento send better security patrol to frequent the bike trails. The answer isn't to harass the homeless population who have taken refuge along the river, however, with so many people needing and wanting to use the parkway, at all hours, we need better reassurance that it is safe. Better lighting, security patrols on electric bikes, emergency phones, and repaired asphalt would be huge improvements to encourage the trail's use and functionality at all hours. .