There were many more errands to run today, things to pack, tires to fill. Unfortunately, this post won't go up until after we return from our trip as it is now 4am on Saturday after a horrible night's "sleep." I don't even think it deserves the word sleep. Both kids have woken up at least 3 times each in the 5 hours since I finally went to bed. I just had to put Big Brother back into his own bed only to notice the clock was at 15 minutes before our alarm went off for this morning's adventures. Poop.
On to this morning's plans: leaving as early as possible (which may even be earlier than I thought since I'm already up) we're going to ride 85 miles to Modesto to visit friends there. We have our route thanks to Central California Cycling and are basically packed and ready to go. We have more than enough food to cover the 4000+ calories we'll use up and hopefully enough to keep the kids from whining too much. I don't want to stop for fast food and I know the route follows back farm roads without a lot of services along the way. One of my reasons for doing this is to prove that you don't have to be a homebody if you don't have a car. Yes, things take longer to plan and to execute but it's doable. It turns the whole trip into an adventure, not just the destination.
I am so excited but I really wish I wasn't so tired to begin with. I don't think I've ever even ridden 85 miles in one day. Our plan was to leave so early so the kids would sleep and we could get a chunk done before the potty/food/play requests started. This might actually help them sleep longer....I hope....Wish us luck! Aaaannnnd, there goes the alarm. Off we go!