Our Labor Day weekend trip has almost come to an end. We've spent the last three nights out, just the boys and me, a record for my bike overnights with the boys on my own.
Tonight, we're safely ensconced at my uncle's house in Dixon, filled to the brim with delicious food and sparkling clean--even our clothes. It's amazing how filthy one gets after a couple of days on the road and a couple of nights rolling around in the dirt with dem boygers.
I'm looking forward to divulging the details tomorrow as this trip has been incredible--one of my favorites so far! Here are a couple photos to tide you over in the meantime.
A Labor Day free from oil dependence. It's been a blast. As we climb overpasses, the hard work seems to disappear when I see all the drivers stuck in their cars. We're having so much fun along the way, those guys are just "rushing" to their next destination. Poor things!