At 'Nama's house, along with my pit crew--Cousin Nate, Hubby Jose--we tweaked the bike a bit more by moving the Peanut Shell forward, raising and scooting the iBert forward, adding my tunes (the Acouztic light/mp3 player), rear light and attempted to install the computer (stil not working but I think it's the sensor). The Mundo is coming together nicely! Little Brother got a chance to test out his new seat and gave it quite high marks (as seen below). I thought he and Big Brother would have a harder time adjusting to the seats after being in the trailer but these guys are having just as much fun with their new rides as I am with mine.
When the time came for our inaugural ride back home, I will admit, I was pretty nervous. I've never ridden with the kids on the bike before. My biggest problem was mostly just getting on around the iBert. Next, I had an issue going down the driveway. I was walking down the slope, not ready judge the bike with the added weight and wobble of the kids immediately while turning onto the street, so with my dad holding the back of the bike, I headed down and when the front wheel started going up the street slope, my back wheel was still on the hill of the driveway and my legs were dangling in the middle, not able to reach the valley between. I must have looked pretty silly. Luckily, I was able to hop off and get the Mundo on even ground on the street and took off smoothly. We cruised home with Jose taking video of our maiden voyage (hopefully to be posted in the near future). Little Brother went from tired, sobbing mess at the house to joyful, squealing baby on the bike and Big Brother was pointing out all the buses and learning hand signals. We were also rocking out to the single Spanish guitar song that was preprogrammed into our Acouztic light. I still have that song stuck in my head. A great first ride--we stayed upright and heard one man exclaim "that's the biggest bike I've ever seen!"
More errands tomorrow and I'm really excited!